The 6th Edition of the International Jazz Festival of Port-au-Prince, will be held from January 20 to 28, 2012 in Port-au-Prince and Les Cayes. This year the festival innovates itself by visiting a provincial town, and every year the Festival, its musicians, logistics and technique will settle for one day, one evening in a different city. This year it's Claude Carré and Thurgot Théodat that will launch the festival. Claude Carré will also give a workshop at the French Alliance of Les Cayes.
This year the artists lineup include Claude Carré (Haiti), Thurgot Théodat (Haiti), Angelina Niescier (Germany), Kelly Lee Evans (Canada), Kephny (Haiti), Rubem Dantas Group (Spain), Batuke Samba Funk (Brazil), X-Key (Haiti), Rafael Mirabal (Dominican Republic), Lord's Power (Haiti), Hans Kennel (Switzerland), La Marraqueta (Chile), Felina Backer (Haiti), Aguamala (Mexico), Jed Levy Quartet (USA), Miu (Haiti), Jonathan Jurion (Guadeloupe), Chardavoine (Haiti), Jean Pierre Welmyr (Haiti), Jacques Shwartz-Bart ans the Jazz Racine Haiti.
The festival will take place over five venues:
- Prestige - Historical Park of Sugar Cane, Route de Tabarre
- Air Caraïbes - Karibe Hotel. 7, Juvéna, Pétion-Ville
- Barbancourt - Fokal : 143, ave. Christophe, Port-au-Prince
- Institut Français d'Haïti : 99 rue Lamartinière
- Quartier Latin : Place Boyer, Pétion-Ville.
The concerts of the Historical Park of Sugar Cane are 500 gourds. The concerts of Karibe Hotel are 800 gourds (sorry folks, you'll have to do the math if you don't live there). All other concerts are FREE. For the concert at the French Institute of Haiti, free tickets are to be removed in advance at the French Institute. The "Papjazz Pass", sold 2.300 gourds, provides access to all concerts. Tickets can be purchased at Radio Metropole, to the two libraries La Pléiade, and to the Karibe Hotel.
For more informations: info [@] papjazzhaiti.org / 509/3101-0003
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